Estimating Entropy

We are interested in the amount of entropy (or information) that is transferred to humans in a visual hash. It is worth taking a moment to define terms in a human-centric manner.


The self-information of a given image is given by

\[I(x) = -\log_2 P(x)\]

where \(P(x)\) is the probability of observing state \(x\).


The information (or entropy) of a system is actually the weighted average of the self-information all possible states.

\[H = -\sum_{x} P(x)\log_2 P(x)\]

Estimating the entropy take II

Let us consider a system consisting of \(N\) parts, each of which has \(n\) distinct configurations. If I randomly modify one part, then the chance of changing the system is \(q = 1 - \frac{1}{n}\). The entropy of such a system is given by

\[H = N \log_2 n\]

If I change a fraction \(f\) of the parts of the system, the probability of changing the system is given by

\[P = (1 +f-fq)^N(1-A)\]

where \(q\) is the probability of a given thing not changing the system when it is modified, and math: ‘A’ is the variable accounting for user error. Let us now consider a fraction \(f_\gamma\) that has a probability \(\gamma\) of not changing the system.

\[\gamma = (f_\gamma q)^N\]

We will assume that we can measure \(f_\gamma\), and also that we can (and do) measure \(f_{\gamma^2}\), the fraction that leads to the square of probability \(\gamma\).

\[\gamma^2 = (f_{\gamma^2} q)^N\]

We can solve for the following:

\[q = \frac{f_{\gamma^2}}{f_\gamma^2} = 1/n\]
\[N = \frac{\ln \gamma}{\ln\left(f_\gamma q\right)}\]
\[N = \frac{\ln \gamma}{\ln\left(\frac{f_{\gamma^2}}{f_\gamma} \right)}\]

Taking these together, we can show that the entropy is given by

\[H = \frac{\ln \gamma}{\ln\left(\frac{f_{\gamma^2}}{f_\gamma} \right)} \log_2 \left(\frac{f_\gamma^2}{f_{\gamma^2}}\right)\]

A nice option seems to be

\[\gamma = \frac{\sqrt{5} - 1}{2}\]
\[\gamma^2 = \frac{3 - \sqrt{5}}{2}\]

which balances the two at an average of 50%, thus avoiding a bias in one direction or the other. This is the golden ratio minus one.